Wednesday, June 26, 2013

A Review on Reckless

only the one who cannot see himself can look through the mirror ”

School had just started and the first recess bell had just rung so where was the first place I went? The library of course! 

Looking at the new arrangement of books I was a little confused. Where were the books I wanted to read? So I went to the one place that had my type of books not in disarray. The old fictions section. One book seemed to be poking out from the rest of the books on the shelf. This book had one common word as a title Reckless. The title intrigued me.To say the least it looked like an interesting read. Who would be queer enough to use this as a title?

So I read the authors name, Cornelia Funke, and it pretty much made sense. For those who haven’t read any of her works I'd suggest the Ink Hearts trilogy. The story is really about if I had to say grief and love.

The main character Jacob reckless lost his father at an early age. Seeking some sort of clue as to where his father was. He goes into his father’s study and instead finds a whole new world inside his father’s mirror. He has many adventures in this mirror world but he is still bound to his world through his brother Will Reckless. And would occasionally returns bringing tales of his adventures to his brother in the form of fairy tales. After years of his adventures. One day will follows him into the mirror world where magic is not always good. In fact the moment he got through he was already poisoned. Forcing Jacob to go a new adventure to find a cure for his brother. With a little help from his brother's girlfriend, a fox, and a dwarf.

Thinking about it. After reading it I could feel the negative emotions coming from the main character's heart. grief, regret, anger, fear, anxiety, etc. But in that jumble of negative emotions you’ll find his strongest emotion was love. in order to not get get hurt. He separates from society into the mirror world. even his companions. the vixen fox felt Jealousy over many things from a fox’s fur to her original human body because of her love for Jacob, will didn't want to feel pain so he got turned to stone, and Clara was well a pretty stereotypical person. All of these pertain to some negative emotion connected to love. So I suppose the moral is if your love is strong enough you’ll go through anything for that person. Be it your brother, your friend,  a lover, or gold in the dwarf's case. Love conquers all as the saying goes is emphasized in the book. Funke has once again taken a dark twisted world and gave it some magic purpose in the positive sense.

If there is/ to be a sequel I hope that we get to glimpse more about Fox and the love between Jacob and the fairy also (hopefully) Jacob's and Will's parents.

So my rating would be 7/10. Not great but pretty close for being so interesting.

I'd recommend this book to anyone to anyone looking for an adventure. With its many thrills. You'll be anticipating the recess or lunch break just like I did.